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 Directives For The Month Of Nissan


1) A birthday should be used as an opportunity to increase — in a joyful manner  — in all matters of Torah and mitzvos by having a joyous farbrengen with many people in attendance — men, women and children. Naturally, there should be a mechitza, when needed, according to Shulchan Aruch. Attending such a farbrengen constitutes simcha shel mitzva and simcha shel Torah. (Sicha 11 Nissan, 5748)

2) This farbrengen should consist of physical joy associated with the body, such as eating and drinking, because “bread sates man’s heart,” especially food and drink that brings joy (sicha 11 Nissan 5748). This should be done within the usual limitation of four small cups, and even this amount not everybody can handle. (Ibid, footnote 19).

There are certainly some of you who have already learned the meaning of the verses of Mizmor [90]…according to the explanations of the inner dimension of the Torah. (Sicha leil 13 Nissan 5751, note 77)


1) The celebration of Shabbos HaGadol must be great, for on the first Shabbos HaGadol, when the great miracle occurred, which was the start of the redemption and the miracles, the Jewish people were extremely happy. (Ibid)


1) Certainly you will use this auspicious day and the ensuing days to increase in learning the esoteric teachings of the Tzemach Tzedek, such as the s’farim named after him. You should increase especially in nistar of Torah, kabbala and Chassidus, beginning with his notes on Likkutei Torah. (Sicha leil 13 Nissan 5751 and sicha Tzav 5750)

2) It would be best [to study these teachings] three times throughout the 24-hour period [of 13 Nissan], and whoever adds in this is praiseworthy. It would be even better to study the commentaries on the Rambam as they are explained in the chiddushei Tzemach Tzedek, including the explanations in the inner dimension of the Torah on those topics in the beginning of the Rambam’s work. (Sicha Tzav 5750, sicha leil 13 Nissan 5751)

3) We must follow in the ways he taught, as explained in his s’farim and as we have learned about him from the Oral Tradition. This applies especially in our generation, as many of his teachings have been written and printed that contain numerous directives. (Sicha erev Pesach 5750)

4) [The first topic to learn would be] his teachings and directives about the month of Nissan and Pesach, and then other topics in the written and oral Torah. (ibid.)

5) This also includes chiddushim in the oral Torah innovated in the most recent generations through the Tzemach Tzedek’s generation, continued in the teachings of the Rebbeim who succeeded him, up to my father-the-law, the Rebbe, leader of our generation. (ibid.)


1) On the Rambam’s birthday, first and foremost, one must use the opportunity to arouse people to learn the daily shiurim of Rambam’s works, each on their level: three chapters a day, one chapter a day, or the corresponding mitzvos in Seifer HaMitzvos of the Rambam. (ibid)

2) With a tumult of holiness, this auspicious day, whose mazal is strong, should be used everywhere to increase in all matters of Yiddishkeit, Torah and mitzvos, including primarily learning the Rambam’s teachings, in addition to other shiurim. (Sicha Tzav 5748)

3) Arrange joyous farbrengens connected with matters of Yiddishkeit, Torah and mitzvos, in which many people participate — men, women and children.

4) Erev Pesach itself is not a suitable time for large farbrengens; the farbrengens should be made, rather, in proximity to Erev Pesach. Since these farbrengens will not be made on the exact date, they should be publicized more. (Sicha 11 Nissan 5748)


1) Every person, especially children, should have their own siddur, Chumash, and pushka, as well as other s’farim, and especially timely is a Hagada that will encourage the children and excite them so that they will actually use it. (Sicha VaYikra 5748)

2) It would be best if [parents] would buy the child a new siddur and the like before Yom Tov. This can be derived from the halacha that says to buy children roasted seeds and nuts, i.e., mundane things. (ibid.)

3) In places where public, communal sedarim are made, they should make the effort to make two sedarim, or at least divide the expenses over the two nights. (Sicha Tzav 5751)

4) Sometimes [the Rebbeim] would pour Eliyahu’s cup before Birkas HaMazon. Lately, it has become the custom to pour before Birkas HaMazon every time. (Sicha Metzora 5749)

5) At the conclusion of the seider (after reciting “L’Shana HaBaa Birushalayimi”), one should pour the wine from Eliyahu’s cup back into the bottle while everyone sings the niggun of “Keili Ata v’Odeka.” (ibid., footnote 79)

6) In order to ensure that throughout the seven days of Pesach no matza comes in contact with water, we cover the matzos on the table. We also cover the water so that matza crumbs do not fall in. (Pesach nights 5748)


On R’ Levi Yitzchok’s birthday one should organize a joyful farbrengen. (Sicha 18 Nissan 5748)


1) Since Acharon Shel Pesach is the conclusion and finale of all of Pesach, we understand how great and precious this time is. Every moment of the day should be used to correct and complete all matters concerning the Yom Tov of Pesach. (Sicha Acharon shel Pesach 5750)

2) The custom of the Rebbe Rayatz was to be mehader to eat matza shruya (matza soaked in water) at all the meals of Acharon Shel Pesach, starting with the night meal. (ibid.)

3) This was done not just once a meal, or three times, but in every single dish, fish and meat, etc. He would especially mix matza with the soup, and he would even [eat matza] with foods that one doesn’t usually eat with bread during the rest of the year. (Sicha Acharon shel Pesach 5748)

4) The Rebbe Rayatz told the people sitting at his table to do the same, and they did so not only when in his presence, at the meals they had with him, but also when eating on their own. This became a directive for everyone — men, women and children. (ibid.)

5) The Rebbe Rayatz related that the last meal of Pesach was called Moshiach’s Meal by the Baal Shem Tov because on Acharon Shel Pesach the revelation of the light of Moshiach shines. Since he publicized this and asked others to publicize it as well, it obviously applies to everyone. (ibid.)

6) If there are people who did not yet fulfill this custom, they will certainly do so from now on when the significance is explained to them. Certainly there are those who know about this and understand it, and even if they were not accustomed to doing so before, [they will publicize it from now on]. (Sicha Acharon shel Pesach 5749)

7) The custom of drinking four cups at Moshiach’s Meal, which was revealed by the Rebbe Rashab, was originally only for the students of Tomchei Tmimim. But the Rebbe Rayatz revealed and publicized this custom for every Jew, for men, women, and children, and it continues to spread wherever Jews are to be found. (Sicha Acharon shel Pesach 5748 and 5749)

8) On a number of occasions, the Rebbe MH”M instructed the hanhala of the yeshiva (or their representatives) to distribute the four cups to all those assembled. (5748)

9) Publicize and ensure that other Jews fulfill the custom of drinking four cups. (5749)

10) Obviously this should be done with care to avoid drunkenness, ch’v, either by taking appropriate sized cups or by drinking most (not all) of the contents of the cup. (5748)

11) Those who are unsure if they drank the four cups with the intention that it pertains to the future Redemption, should certainly make up for it, for the drinking of the four cups must be in a clear and certain manner. (Seifer HaMaamarim Meluket, Vol. 3)



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