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Dvar Malchus

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Moshiach & Geula

"That They May All Call Upon the Name of the L-rd"

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"Wake Up, Yidele!"

Chabad House On Wheels: "The Real Action Is Here"
Shleimus HaAretz
Pray For Rain

"That They May All Call Upon the Name of the L-rd"
By Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ginsberg

An amazing new project is now in the works – a Sheva Mitzvos kit for non-Jews, designed to implement the Rebbe MH"M’s directive to spread awareness of the Noachide Laws and help bring about the true and complete Redemption.

As the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach explained on Shabbos Parshas VaYeishev 5752, publicizing present-day miracles has a direct effect on hastening the Redemption.

Moreover, "It is precisely the service of the exile that brings about the Geula…with the affairs of the world itself and the gentile nations assisting" (Shabbos Acharei-Kedoshim 5751). Noting that it is commonplace nowadays to see non-Jews involved in charity and humanitarian projects, the Rebbe also stated, "This should reveal to an even greater extent how the [entire] world can help establish a dwelling place for G-d in the lower realms and bring about the Redemption."

With this in mind I begin my story, one that illustrates how Divine providence is virtually "taking us by the hand" and leading us towards Moshiach Tzidkeinu…

It all started a few years ago in the winter of 5755, when I was asked to give a shiur on the weekly Dvar Malchus in a very unusual place: at a lunch stand in the middle of a bustling shopping strip in central Eretz Yisroel. According to the bachur who approached me, the organizer of the shiur was a successful Israeli businessman with a nearby office. A sincere and warmhearted Jew, he had recently become devoted to the Rebbe MH"M, and chose this unconventional location to attract people who would not otherwise attend a shiur in Chassidus. This was my first contact with the person this story is about.

The shiur was held every Friday for several years, up until the kiosk was sold and came under new management. The crowd it attracted was eclectic, with Jews from all walks of life studying the Dvar Malchus.

The businessman’s return to Yiddishkeit had actually begun in Sydney, Australia, after a Shabbos spent with the Rebbe’s shliach, Rabbi Feldman. Later, back in Eretz Yisroel, his local shliach had guided him even closer to the Rebbe. In time, he became one of the most enthusiastic supporters of his Chabad House, and brought many people back to Yiddishkeit and to the Rebbe MH"M.

At that time, I was involved in printing and distributing the weekly Dvar Malchus. No matter when I called him – morning, noon, or night – he was always ready and willing to help with the heavy boxes and drive around in his car.

Two years before, in 5753, the shliach in his city had suggested that he attend the g’virim’s yechidus, which would require him to commit himself to making a large donation to Machne Yisroel. He was hesitant to do so, as his business was then in state of flux. He decided to ask the Rebbe and follow his advice.

Back in 5753, the Rebbe was answering questions by nodding his holy head. When Rabbi Groner asked him if he should participate in the yechidus, the Rebbe nodded his head yes very vigorously. Nonetheless, my acquaintance insisted that Rabbi Groner pose the question again, and explain that he was reluctant to commit himself at a time when he was suffering financially. He also asked for a bracha that he become a g’vir in the physical sense. Again the Rebbe nodded his head in the affirmative.

My acquaintance signed the contract promising to make the donation, traveled to New York with his local shliach, and attended the yechidus.

Unfortunately, when he returned to Eretz Yisroel his business began to nosedive in earnest. One loan followed another, until the banks refused to extend any more credit. His once thriving business collapsed, and he was left with a huge amount of outstanding debt. For several years he was in and out of court, and liens were placed against everything he owned. Eventually he found himself not only penniless but unemployed.

It was during this period that he and I became very close. With a lot of free time on his hands, he devoted himself to Mivtza T’fillin and brought many Jews closer to the Rebbe. I made many efforts to help him find a job, but nothing every came of it.

One day the man’s wife came up with an idea: As his name was already tarnished in Eretz Yisroel and potential partners were afraid to do business with him, he should go to America. The rest of the family would follow once he had established himself there. A distant relative in New York was contacted, who promised to help him find a job.

Rabbi Chanzin, with whom my acquaintance had meantime grown very close, was adamantly opposed to the idea. Hashem can provide a person with parnasa anywhere in the world, he told him; why did he think it would be any easier in New York? But the man’s wife was insistent that he give it a try.

When I was asked for my opinion, I told him that I was unqualified to even have one and suggested that he write to the Rebbe. Although he usually wrote to the Rebbe himself, on this occasion he insisted that I compose the letter.

The Rebbe’s answer through the Igros Kodesh astounded us. The letter was addressed to a Jew who had wanted to go to New York to look for employment. The Rebbe pointed out that even in New York there are more applicants for jobs than positions, and asked him what he would accomplish by encountering the same problem there as he had in Eretz Yisroel!

As far as I was concerned, the Rebbe’s advice was cut and dried, but my friend’s wife insisted that she "didn’t hold from the Igros Kodesh." What she wanted was money on the table, and she strongly urged her husband to make the trip.

At that point, the two of them came to me to help them borrow money for the ticket. I explained that given the Rebbe’s clear and unambiguous answer to their question, I didn’t think the trip would be beneficial. They decided to write to the Rebbe a second time, despite my protestations that it wasn’t necessary.

In the letter they opened, the Rebbe wrote that he didn’t understand why they were being so stubborn by insisting on leaving Eretz Yisroel! How many others had already taken the same path and failed?

Well, that was the end of that plan, which was quickly scrapped. But they still faced the pressing problem of parnasa

Then my friend came up with an idea of his own: He would buy a car and start working as a taxi driver. After overcoming many obstacles, he obtained a loan and purchased a small van. Thus began his new career, at which he worked from early morning until late at night.

My friend wasn’t content to leave well enough alone. The "millennium" was fast approaching, and Eretz Yisroel would soon be filled with foreign tourists eager for an authentic Jewish souvenir. Why not use it as an opportunity to spread awareness of the Seven Noachide Laws, given by G-d in our holy Torah through Moshe Rabbeinu?

Indeed, this is one of the main functions of Moshiach, who, as the Rambam writes, "…will correct the entire world and bring it to serve G-d, as it states, ‘For then I will convert the peoples to a clear language, that they may all call upon the name of the L-rd, to serve Him with one accord.’"

As Chassidim, we know that there cannot be belief in G-d without belief in "Moshe, His servant," the Nasi of our generation, the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. The Rebbe spoke on countless occasions about the merit and responsibility each of us has to prepare mankind for Moshiach’s arrival.

It was then that my friend came up with a practical and unique way to do this: Why not put together a special souvenir "kit" explaining the significance of the Sheva Mitzvos along with a small bottle of the Rebbe’s mikva water? The accompanying explanatory material would explain how the Noachide Laws are the vessel for receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. (The Rebbe’s water was chosen to avoid potential problems with yayin nesech if wine were used, or any problems involving chametz with lekach or mashke.)

The kit would be sold for a small fee rather than given out for free, to increase its value in the eyes of those who purchased it. When a person buys something with his own money, the feeling he gets is different than if he receives it as a present. The result would be that his desire to fulfill the Noachide Laws would stem from his own free will, rather than as a favor to anyone…

The project was enthusiastically endorsed by many rabbanim and mashpiim, among them Rabbis Chanzin, Gluckowsky, Ashkenazi, Wechter, and Wilshansky, and many blessings were obtained from the Rebbe MH"M through the Igros Kodesh and farbrengen videos.

The plan took several months to implement as consultations commenced with manufacturers, graphic artists, and other professionals. Much of the material for the brochure was chosen from the writings of Rabbi Avi Taub, which were produced under the close scrutiny of Rabbi Marlow, o.b.m., and edited by the Rebbe shlita himself.

The brochure was printed in eight languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, German, and Italian. (Translations into eight more languages have been completed, but more funding is needed to publish them.) The next step involved marketing and distribution.

To make a long story short, the Rebbe’s miracles have accompanied this undertaking every step of the way. Every time the project threatened to run out of money, funding would suddenly appear from an unexpected source. Countless technical problems have been miraculously overcome. At one point, when the only financial solution seemed to be eliminating one of the workers’ jobs, an answer was received from the Rebbe about how much the Torah urges us to avoid causing pain to a fellow Jew! Throughout it all, the Rebbe has found his own ways to give us answers and guidance. The open hashgacha pratis has been unbelievable.

One answer, on pages 271-272 of Volume 10 of the Rebbe’s Igros Kodesh, reads as follows:

…I was very distressed to read that your financial problems are causing you to experience spiritual difficulties. It is very surprising to me that a ben Torah and a woman from a Chassidic home would be thus affected by a monetary problem. For not only is the magnitude of the problem doubtful, but the entire difficulty is itself transient in nature. Our Sages gave the analogy of a wheel, and as my father-in-law, the Rebbe, explained, when a person finds himself at the very lowest point, G-d forbid, it is a sure sign that the wheel is about to turn upward…G-d forbid that you should become depressed over this matter, for it would surely have an adverse effect on your service of the Creator.

In another answer, the Rebbe wrote (Volume 18, page 135):

…May G-d grant blessing and success to everyone who participates [in the above] in all his individual needs, enabling all to work with menuchas ha’nefesh, gladness of heart and tranquility of mind, in a manner of "ascending in matters of holiness"…leading to the fulfillment of G-d’s promise, "And you shall spread out to the west and to the east, and to the north and to the south."

Following an answer of the Rebbe to consult with friends, a meeting was held with Chassidim who are also savvy businessmen. As a result of the meeting, it was resolved to continue working on the project with renewed efforts, and to start contacting shluchim around the world.

Every shliach in Eretz Yisroel and elsewhere has non-Jewish acquaintances who must sometimes be presented with tokens of hakaras ha’tov. The Sheva Mitzvos kit does not fall into the category of bestowing presents on gentiles, as it enables the nations to fulfill their purpose in the world, strengthening their faith in the Creator and in Moshe, His servant.

In truth, every member of our generation has been appointed a shliach to spread the wellsprings outward, disseminate awareness of the Noachide Laws, and prepare the world "to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu in actuality" – "the only service that remains."

This will lead to the immediate revelation of the Rebbe shlita as Melech HaMoshiach, and the time when all voices will cry out as one, from all corners of the world – in Italian, German, French, and Japanese:

"Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V’Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L’olam Va’ed!"



"It is very surprising to me that you would be thus affected by a monetary problem...

For the entire difficulty is itself transient in nature."








"When a person finds himself at the very lowest point, G-d forbid, it is a sure sign that the wheel is about to turn upward…"








Every member of our generation has been appointed a shliach to disseminate the Noachide Laws, and prepare the world "to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu."



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