Wisdom From Our Mashpiim
Interview by Shmuel Alexander

Mashpiim in Lubavitch yeshivos around the world discuss inyanei Moshiach and Geula with a focus on questions such as: What is the source of our absolute bitachon in the immediate revelation of the Rebbe MH"M? Why is the constant involvement in the besuras ha’Geula so important? How can we fortify ourselves during this difficult time?

Part 5 of 5
(Click here for Part 1)


Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Butman
mashpia Tomchei Tmimim, Lud

Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ginsberg
mashpia Tomchei Tmimim, Kfar Chabad

Rabbi Yitzchok Meir Gurary
mashpia Tomchei Tmimim, Montreal

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Kesselman
mashpia Tomchei Tmimim, South Africa

Rabbi Pinchas Korf
mashpia Oholei Torah, Crown Heights

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Landau
mashpia Tomchei Tmimim, Bnei Brak

Rabbi Dovid Offen
mashpia Toras Emes, Yerushalayim

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Offen
mashpia Tomchei Tmimim, Tzfas and Yerushalayim

Rabbi Nachman Shapiro
mashpia Oholei Torah, Crown Heights

(Continued from issue 300.)

The proclamation of "Yechi" has become a central tenet for many Chassidim, to the point that they proclaim it after every t’filla. What is this proclamation about, since when do we make proclamations, and why has it become so important?

Rabbi Shapiro: The first rule for Chassidim is to koch zich in what the Rebbe kocht zich. In the final year and a half that we saw the Rebbe, our open connection with the Rebbe was through the singing of "Yechi," which the Rebbe encouraged in front of the entire world. Therefore, the koch in singing and proclaiming "Yechi" is the most obvious activity for a Chassid. It’s surprising that there are those who are not involved in this! How can it be that some individuals, r’l, disparage such a holy inyan which the Rebbe supported?

We have been making these proclamations for almost ten years. At a certain point, the Rebbe began encouraging the saying of "Yechi." It began on Simchas Torah 5753, in the middle of the seventh hakafa. The Rebbe sat on the balcony holding a seifer Torah. When the Rebbe finished saying the pesukim of the hakafos, the crowd began proclaiming "Yechi Adoneinu." The Rebbe continued looking at the page in front of him and then, when the crowd proclaimed "Yechi" a second time, the Rebbe looked up and began nodding his head strongly. It was a simple proclamation without singing. They simply said "Yechi," and the Rebbe encouraged it. Only later, when the Rebbe continued to encourage it, did the congregation begin singing the famous "Yechi" niggun.

The proclamation is especially important after each t’filla, because in the sicha of Chaf-Ches Nissan 5751, the Rebbe asked how it was possible for ten Jews to gather without demanding the revelation of Moshiach. Think about it: People had just finished Sh’moneh Esrei, in which they asked that "the sprouting forth of Dovid, Your servant, quickly sprout, etc.," and the Rebbe said that that was not enough. They have to proclaim it and demand that Hashem send the Geula!

Rabbi Y.Y. Offen: The need to proclaim "Yechi" is understood from the sicha of Mishpatim 5751, in which the Rebbe said, "The appointment of Dovid Malka Meshicha already took place, as it says, "I found Dovid, My servant; I anointed him with My holy oil," and all that is needed is for his kingship to be accepted by the people." Throughout the generations, people accepted a king by proclaiming, "Yechi HaMelech," as it says about Dovid (Melachim I 1:31): "Yechi Adoni HaMelech Dovid L’olam."

As far as the significance of the proclamation, let’s see what the Rebbe himself said about it, in the sicha of Toldos 5752:

"The Haftora of this past week...ends with the proclamation, Yechi Adoni HaMelech Dovid L’olam." [This proclaims] the eternality of Malchus Dovid, which continued with Shlomo’s reign, and whose completion will take place with Moshiach, who is "from the house of Dovid and the seed of Shlomo." The content of this proclamation is the revelation of the existence of Moshiach. And through this and following this comes the revelation before all, through his activities, etc."

Likewise, in the sicha of 2 Nissan 5748, the Rebbe explained that the proclamation of "Yechi HaMelech" accomplishes, "arise and sing Dovid Malka Meshicha."

From these two sichos we clearly see that this proclamation accomplishes: 1) "through this and following this the revelation before all," and 2) "arise and sing Dovid Malka Meshicha." This is in addition to the sicha of Mishpatim, in which the Rebbe said, "We just need kabbalas malchuso by the people."

As far as the claim that the Rebbe said "Yechi HaMelech" and not "Yechi Adoneinu," even if the Rebbe had not encouraged the proclamation of "Yechi Adoneinu" for over a year, the significance of both proclamations is not in any way different. Which king are we referring to if not Melech HaMoshiach? In addition, we have maaseh rav – the actions of the Rebbe encouraging the singing of "Yechi" for over a year’s time!

We emphasize this proclamation because in all the sichos (like those quoted above), the Rebbe used the word hachraza (proclamation), which is statement that is said aloud.

The important point to remember is that the proclamation be engraved in our souls. The act of "saying it out loud arouses one’s concentration." Saying it out loud also draws the matter down into this physical world.

If I am not truly ready to accept his kingdom, why should I proclaim it?

A person must daven every day, even if he is not properly prepared. Although the Rambam says that after returning from a long trip, a person should wait three days and then daven, we don’t pasken that way l’halacha, because according to this reasoning, many Jews would never daven. If one day’s davening is not up to par, a person must make sure he improves his davening next time.

The same is true for proclaiming "Yechi." You have to proclaim it whether you feel ready for it or not, but you must always bear in mind that more preparation is necessary.

Rabbi Gurary: The inyan of "Yechi" is something the Rebbe instilled in us, and it is meant to constantly remind us of the imminent Redemption. Proclaiming "Yechi" is also a way of reminding ourselves to be permeated with the truth and the inner meaning of the concept of Moshiach.

We hung a large "Yechi" sign, like the one in 770, in our yeshiva in Montreal. I once said to one of the bachurim: The sign on the wall is supposed to remind you to be completely engrossed in this important matter!

Rabbi Butman: Our chayus is in what the Rebbe instilled in us most recently. When the Rebbe’s koch was in Mivtza T’fillin, that was our main chayus. When the Rebbe’s koch was in "asei lecha rav," that was our koch. So too now, since the Rebbe’s koch became "Yechi," this unequivocally became the most important thing.

Furthermore, remember that during the period of time the Rebbe led us in proclaiming "Yechi," we did not hear the Rebbe say sichos and maamarim. Dollars were also not a common occurrence, so that for over a year, our sole connection with the Rebbe was through proclaiming "Yechi." The maamarim were "Yechi," the sichos were "Yechi," the yechiduyos were "Yechi," the t’fillos were "Yechi" – the Rebbe made "Yechi" all-inclusive.

Perhaps we can say that the Rebbe wanted the entire world to cry out for Moshiach. The Baal Shem Tov traveled about and conversed with people in order to elicit from them the response, "baruch Hashem." By doing so, the Baal Shem Tov brought about a G-dly revelation in the world. At that time, every story the Baal Shem Tov told was connected to thanking G-d. In 5689, the Rebbe Rayatz said that the act of speaking about Moshiach draws Moshiach down into the world. Perhaps the Rebbe wanted to make sure that the subject of Moshiach would remain the number one topic.

Rabbi Landau: We see that "Yechi" symbolizes emuna. When Chassidim sang "Yechi" before the Rebbe, it was the demonstration of a fiery inner faith in the imminent hisgalus of the Rebbe, and when the Rebbe encouraged it, he was actually encouraging this emuna.

The reason "Yechi" is said so often is simple. Why do we say Sh’ma twice a day? Would it not be enough to say it one time? If the purpose in saying it is to know it, then maybe once is enough. But if the purpose is to galvanize us, then we need to say it again and again. In order to arouse our emuna, it’s important to proclaim "Yechi" and mention it time and again.

Rabbi Kesselman: The Rebbe often blessed the Jews of Russia that they should merit true freedom. The Rebbe said this bracha hundreds if not thousands of times. Then one fine day, the Jews of Russia left. This exodus was surely in the merit of all those brachos, which together led to unprecedented results. Every proclamation of "Yechi" is added to the previous proclamations, until we merit the Geula.

I heard that when the Rebbe spoke a great deal about Moshiach’s coming, the famous Yerushalmi Chassid, Rabbi Moshe Weber, a’h, would get up in the morning, say Modeh Ani, and then break out into Chassidic dance.

Proclaiming and singing "Yechi" expresses our joy over the wonderful news of "behold he comes," and encourages us during these difficult times.

Rabbi Dovid Offen: The fact that the Rebbe encouraged it so much gives it great importance, which is why we treat it with such reverence.

Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V’Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L’olam Va’ed


Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Landau
Yechi” symbolizes emuna. When Chassidim sang “Yechi” before the Rebbe, it was the demonstration of a fiery inner faith in the imminent hisgalus of the Rebbe.


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