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Moshiach Yom Yom: 14-20 Shvat
Merkaz Shiurei Torah - Chabad


14 Shvat: Accepting The Words Of The Wise


What’s needed is hiskashrus and Kabbalas ol. One must obey chachamim without any calculations whatsoever. That is what a soldier is all about. He doesn’t think for himself, and nothing exists for him besides his commanding officer and his orders, resembling the behavior of the tribe of Levi.


...If a Jew, ch’v, doubts his teacher, it is a sign that his hiskashrus is flawed, and hence, there is a flaw in unity, the idea of “kulanu k’echad” (all of us as one). Moreover, this state of doubt indicates that there is a lack in that which is written prior to “kulanu k’echad,” namely, “barcheinu Avinu” (Bless us, our Father).


On a deeper level: Calculations are calculations, but they are inappropriate when it comes to war. Moshiach cannot be brought this way. For one to hear something and then take out a Shulchan Aruch and ask a rav what the commentary Be’er Heitev has to say about it, and whether or not it contradicts what one heard — we cannot bring Moshiach that way!


(Parshas Shmini 5718; unedited)


15 Shvat: To Learn About Moshiach


Since Moshiach Tzidkeinu is about to come, but hasn’t actually come yet, a final effort on the part of each of us to bring Moshiach is required, by learning Torah on the topics of Melech HaMoshiach and inyanei Geula, which are explained in many places.


Indeed, it is easy to locate these topics by looking in the alphabetized indices (of which there are many), under the appropriate categories, such as “Geula,” “Moshiach,” etc.


...especially in the teachings (maamarim and Likkutei Sichos) of nasi doreinu, a sampling and preparation for learning the teachings of Moshiach, [which are] “A new Torah will go forth from Me.”


(Tazria-Metzora, 6 Iyar, 5751; edited)


16 Shvat: To Believe In Melech Moshiach


The Rambam writes in “The Laws of Kings”: “Melech HaMoshiach will rise up in the future and return the kingdom of Dovid to its former state…and whoever does not believe in him or whoever does not await his coming, not only denies the other prophets, but the Torah and Moshe Rabbeinu.”


... The meaning of the Rambam here (in “The Laws of Kings”) concerns the belief in Melech HaMoshiach. We must believe in the concept of Geula — that Hashem will redeem the Jewish people (however He may do so) — and we must believe in Melech HaMoshiach (including the details about him and his qualities, as specified in the Rambam in this chapter), as the Rambam says, “and whoever does not believe in him.”


(Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 34, sichas Shoftim 3)


17 Shvat: The Nesiyus Of The Jewish People In The Future


Concerning the nesiyus (leadership)…beginning with the first leader, Moshe Rabbeinu, as well as all the other Jewish leaders throughout the generations, up to [and including] my father-in-law, the Rebbe, nasi doreinu, the question arises: what will their leadership be like after the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, when “Dovid, My servant, will be their leader forever?” For example, regarding Moshe Rabbeinu, the first leader, what will his leadership be like when the nasi will be Moshiach Tzidkeinu of the seed of Dovid, from the tribe of Yehuda, given that Moshe Rabbeinu is from the tribe of Levi?


Obviously, Moshiach’s coming will not cause a descent, ch’v, in the level of Jewish leaders. On the contrary, the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu will bring about an elevation of everything. This applies to all matters affecting the Jewish people, especially regarding the leaders of the Jewish people!


(Sicha Pinchas 5745; unedited)


18 Shvat: Moshiach As Teacher


Although the primary chiddush (innovation) of Melech HaMoshiach is his kingship, nesiyus (leadership) has an advantage over malchus (kingship). The need for a king (as the Rambam says) is in order to uplift the true religion and fill the world with justice; to break the arm of the wicked and fight the wars of G-d. After Moshiach “will correct the entire world to serve Hashem together,” “and “the only occupation of the entire world will be only to know Hashem,” there will not be as great a need for Moshiach to act as king. Thus, Melech HaMoshiach’s main task will be to teach the people and guide them in the path of G-d.


(Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 35, sichas VaYigash 3)


19 Shvat: The Advantage Of “As Waters Cover The Sea”


The phrase “as waters cover the sea” comes to add meaning to “the earth will be full of knowledge of Hashem.” “The earth will be full of knowledge of Hashem” signifies that there will be an earth, but the earth will be full of knowledge of Hashem. Thus, even when it becomes full of knowledge of Hashem, it continues to exist as an independently entity. This notion becomes obvious from a comparison to the fish of the sea. Although the entire existence of fish is dependent on the water of the sea, they nevertheless maintain an independent existence.


“As waters cover the sea,” however, refers to there being no existence other than “knowledge of Hashem,” “the waters of knowledge,” for the entire existence of the sea is nothing other than a “place of water,” a place and vessel for “knowledge of Hashem.”


Moreover, there is a deeper significance to the fact that the phrase “as water covers the sea” follows “the earth will be full…”: Not only will knowledge of Hashem penetrate further into the existence of man and the world, but this is (also) a higher level of knowledge of Hashem.


(Hadran on Rambam 5749; edited)


20 Shvat: Craving The Feast Of The Future To Come


It is understood that all matters and all activities are to be permeated with the concept of Moshiach and Geula, including eating and drinking. That is, one must crave the feast of the Leviason and the Shor HaBar and the Yayin HaMeshumar to such an extent that even after one’s meal there should remain a hunger for thefeast of the Leviason and the Shor HaBar and the Yayin HaMeshumar.


Of consequence, one complains to the Holy One, blessed be He, that he cannot truly fulfill the mitzva of “you shall eat and be sated and bless...” until the Holy One, blessed be He, returns him to His table for the feast of the Future to Come. And in turn, the Holy One, blessed be He, immediately fulfills his request.


(Sicha of Shabbos Parshas VaYeira, 18 MarCheshvan, 5752; edited)




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