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Yud-Alef Nissan Farbrengen Broadcast Live To The Entire World
Thousands of Chassidim, shluchim and Tmimim celebrated the Rebbe’s 98th birthday in 770 * the farbrengen was broadcast live over the internet

On Motzaei Shabbos, the night of Yud-Alef Nissan, Anash and Tmimim participated in a farbrengen organized by the gabbaim of 770, the International Campaign to Bring Moshiach, and Merkaz Chabad HaOlami L’Kabalas Pnei Moshiach Tzidkeinu.

The emcee was gabbai Rabbi Menachem Gerlitzky, who called upon R’ Moshe Teleshevsky to recite the Rebbe’s new perek Tehillim. Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, member of the Crown Heights Beis Din and the first speaker, spoke about the power of the birthday of the nasi ha’dor.

Rabbi Levi Garelik spoke about the significance of the Shabbos HaGadol that followed the birth of the Rebbe in 1902, based on a sicha in which the Rebbe says that the birth of the Jewish nation began on Yud Nissan.

Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gurary, member of Agudas Chassidei Chabad, focused on a pasuk in the Rebbe’s new perek Tehillim. Rabbi Leibel Groner told a story about the Baal Shem Tov, as is customary on Motzaei Shabbos, and then spoke about the early years of the Rebbe’s nesius. He compared the Rebbe to Moshe Rabbeinu, who was told to remove his shoes, signifying his obligation to reach out to even the lowest and simplest Jews. We know that the Rebbe has reached out to every Jew with the mivtza campaigns, in order to awaken the Divine spark within world Jewry.

Rabbi Shalom Dovber Gutnick of Australia spoke about the Rebbe’s transforming that spiritually barren continent into a place of Torah and Chassidus. The final speaker, Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson, spoke about the Rebbe’s eternality as nasi ha’dor and how this should be reflected in the lives of every one of us.

Rabbi Yaakov Herzog was thanked for organizing the wonderful event, along with the Drizin brothers, who contributed towards the expenses in memory of their father. After the official program, dozens of smaller farbrengens took place until quite late at night. The evening’s program was broadcast live over the Internet. Reuven Blau set up the equipment, which was sponsored by Meir Gutnick. Presently, it is possible to see and hear what’s going on in 770 live every day on the Internet at www.770live.org. We hope the Rebbe’s hisgalus will be broadcast imminently to the entire world!

Some of the thousands of people who came to the Yud-Alef Nissan farbrengen


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